Fave lip product for winter


We all hate it when our lips get chapped and you cant wear lipstick because it looks horrible and just unattractive. I try to avoid this even though it still happens, the Lush lip scrub is amazing for when you want to that happening!

I have the Bubblegum flavoured one and it tastes amazing never mind the look of it.

I use mine with an EOS lip balm because they smell amazing. The scrub is handmade of course, as it's from Lush. As it quotes on the lid 'This sugary perfectly pink polisher keeps lips in tip top condition and tasting of candy floss'  this actually does as it says. 
The product is easy to apply and does have a nice taste to it. 
It feels just like sugar but clumped together. 
But yeh it definitely looks after your lips in the winter and every other day! I sometimes use it before i put a lipbalm on so i can i apply a matte lipstick. It costs £5.50 but it's worth the price. 

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